Management education has moulded itself into being one of the important domains of imparting usefulness. As India gains its rightful position in the dimensions of the global geopolitical equations, the underlying acceptance throughout the world is of the knowledge base that it has developed during these years. This acceptance only comes with the process of interactive learning that education offers. This has indeed endowed a responsibility towards management institute of developing a new stream of creative, innovative and dynamic managers who are more relevant in the new economic era.
MES Institute of Business Management and Computer Studies being a sectoral school of management has been laid on the following foundational principles:
- To promote intellectual self reliance and globalize collective wisdom.
- To act as a strategic think tank for corporate & Business Organisations.
- To facilitate creation of enlightened and democratic leadership for the co-operative & corporate sector.
- To prepare students with the best professional career prospects in the emerging global market places.
- To take up action and need based research and consultancy.
Also MES Institute of Business Management and Computer Studies strongly believes that what is good for society is good for business and success has no meaning without significant contribution to individual development and contentment.